Shree Apparao swami i.e. Dattababa is the trustee at Venkatesh coast Datta Ashram of Kardalivan :Seva Sangha Trust. Prof. Kshitij Patukale, author of ‘Kardalivan –Eak Anubhuti’ (Kardalivan- an experience) is the Chairperson. Besides blessings are given for this work by His Holiness Shankaracharyas, many eminent personalities, saints and dignitaries. Across the country Through Kardalivan Dev elopmental Projects and expansion of work, many religious and helpful schemes are initiated which are as follows:
1. Kardalivan Mega Developmental Project
2. Kardalivan Campaign and Expansion Project
3. Shreedatta/Shree Swami Sect’s University & Study Courses
4. Food Donation Project
5. Local Centers
6. Publications
7. Religious, Social work and Rituals
8. Cow Donation and Assistance
9. Circular Tour of Kardalivan
10. Other connected works
FOOD DONATION (Annadan):: On entering Datta Ashram of Venkatesh Beach food is bestowed. For all the devotees who go for Kardalivan and the local Chenchu Adivasi(Tribals) food donation will be used. At Kardalivan food donation has altogether a different meaning of a great deed. Each and every Datta Devotee and Shree Swami Devotee should participate in this food donation.
Local Centre:: In the work of Kardlivan Seva Sangha Trust, anyone can start a local center at various cities, Talukas, Zilla or National and International level. All interested persons can are requested to contact. They can participate at personal or group level or they can start a Local Centre also.